Dealing with inevitable conflict as a way of creating community

A One-Day-Course

9.00 – 1.00 – Introductions
– Active Listening – the most essential skill
– Empathy as a skill and tool for effective communication
– Escalating versus De-escalating language
– Nonviolent Communication as a foreign language
– Observations, Feelings, Needs and Requests
– NVC work-sheets or role play

1.00 – 2.00 Lunch

2.00 – 3.30 – The phenomenon of ‘Rank’ as a key factor in conflict awareness,
– Pairwork, (small group) discussion about how to celebrate and share rank,
and how this awareness is important for de-escalating conflicts

3.30 – 3.45 Tea Break (optional)

3.45 – 5.00 – Conflict resolution practice (role play or exercises)

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